Durational Performance
Duration: 4 hours
Materials: clay pot, super glue, cloth
Mentors: Nikhil Chopra, Madhavi Gore, Jana Prepeluh
Documentation: Parikshit Pisal
Faculty of Fine Arts, M.S University, Baroda, IND (2017)
Cicatrix is a durational performance with a clay pot. It explores the form of cracks and the excruciating process of fixing and finding meaning in brokenness, rooting from physical trauma. The piece navigates through waiting and agency of the material as key elements in the action, to the sensory exploration of cracks, edges and fixed pieces. It also looks at rearranging and assimilating dispersed pieces of the whole, which by the end of the performance is a new identity and form that emerges from its former self. The pot and the body are in relation to one another, the process of fixing as a co-dependant and agential relationship. It transcends into the process of destruction and reconstruction of the self, materiality and the history of the site of the performance (that also underwent the process of reconstruction).
It was an extremely powerful and healing experience. It was interesting how it became a shared process as a young woman from the audience spontaneously joined me half an hour into the performance and stayed till the very end of the 4 hour piece and beautifully complimented the energy of the performance.
This was a result of a 7 day intensive performance art workshop held by Nikhil Chopra, Jana Prepeluh and Madhavi Gore in 2017.