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Participatory performance and installation 

Duration: 3 hours

Materials: Beetroots, graters, handmade beetroot papers, everyday objects (bowls, spoons, glass, buttons etc), cloth, black ink, video, sound.

Documentation: Fenia Kotsoupoulou, Irina Baldini

Research: Becom(th)ings: Posthumanism, Subjectivity, Performance Art

ArtEZ University of Arts, NL (2021)

A multisensorial durational performance with humans and more-than-humans that explores the roots that I come from and the routes that I seek. Rooted but flowing. Becoming. These figurations are explored through an embodied materiality with organic and inorganic everyday objects that I share intimate relations with.


Beetroots, a root vegetable intrinsic to the cuisine of my father’s place of origin (Kerala); most often the ‘other’ among vegetables; and its inky passions have a strong call. Everyday inorganic objects have a vital presence in my daily life with which I share intimate co-dependant relations with. The work is interested in per/forming wet relations among human and more-than-human bodies. Bodies that are interchangeable, porous and fluid. The work hopes to explore these modes of exchange and transformation, to liquefy boundaries between self and other, human and more-than-human, and material and semiotic.

Objectiography, an artistic intervention queering the notion of autobiography by responding to the entangled nature of objects and human bodies to create a visual biography of an entangled self where the authorship is relegated to the relation between objects, humans through the agential process of imprinting objects on handmade beetroot paper. Objectiography is compiled as a book post-performance.


I am interested in making visible the agential capacities of objects and Becoming with Beetroots, to expand the notion of a fixed subjectivity. The work is participatory in nature as it urges the audience to engage with materiality, its affective capacity and changing subject positions, as roots and routes evolve, in a contingent spatio-temporal environment.

Link to performance

Roo(u)ting performed at Perdu, Amsterdam (2021) : 
Link to performance:

Documentation by Fenia Kotsoupoulou and Sara Pezzolessi

© 2021 by Anushka Nair. 

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