Durational Performance
Duration: 3 hours
Materials: plant, water, glass container, straw, soil, table lamp, spot light
Documentation: Fenia Kotsoupolou, Daz Disley
Research: Becom(th)ings: Posthumanism, Subjectivity, Performance Art
Uitnacht Arnhem, NL (2020)
Sipping water as slowly as possible from a glass container, like the roots of a plant absorb water from the soil, I sat next to a potted plant, cross legged on a circle of soil. Upper body occasionally moving slowly, responding to the movement of air, I internally embodied the plant state. Conceptually, I was exploring sap as the vital liquid in plants and water as the vital liquid in bodies of human matter, as well as plant matter for nourishment, this performance explored the process of Becoming plant. The soil I sit on and the soil the plant is embedded in are the roots that keep both our bodies grounded. This durational embodiment of a plant opened up the first experience of developing my method of Meditating with objects as a dynamic process that allows the dissolving of the discrete sense of 'human' self becoming some-thing other, to attune to the animations of the seemingly inanimate or immobile.