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An exploration of the body as a research tool through diving into the lived experiences, habits or rituals that are embodied. 


Inspired by my habit, need and ritual of note-taking in a notebook, I experimented with embodying this practice.


My Body Is My Diary

Inspired from my younger days when I used to write on my hand to remember things I take the process of taking notes to my body. I wrote (stream-of-consciousness) on my body for a duration of 2hours as I also imprinted these words on my body to a paper.


The private practice of note-taking is made public when the body becomes the notebook/paper/diary. Thoughts are made visible through words inscripted on the body and then made ambiguous through the process of imprinting them on paper.


It reflects the practice of writing, absorbing, thinking, expressing and the notion of preserving thoughts for future reference which may or may not happen...


Words then become ambiguous..a palimpsest of a stream-of-consciousness.


This work is a playful extension of my research that revolves around the ideas of Becoming with non-human bodies. Here I transform my body into a surface, a paper, a diary. The ink transforms my body as my skin transforms the form of the words. The process of printing with my body extends the materiality and transferability of materials and their entanglements.

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