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[Experiment 2]: Self 'Screen Test'

Context : This experiment is to test the opposite of experiment 1 through using conditions that counter those in experiment 1, to see if the same is possible or to see if there are varying degrees of the effect of the relation with objects under different conditions.

Question :


  1. What if relations with objects make visible my subjectivity/inner world?

  2. Does duration/a particular length of time play a role in the nature of the relation with an object?              

Hypothesis :

  1. Coming in relation with the camera (object) will make visible my subjectivity/inner world/ emotional,mental,physical state of being.

  2. The duration of time affects the kind of relationship that is formed between the camera and I.


Experiment : Sit in front of a camera for 3 screen tests without doing anything. The first will be for 3 min and then the time of each screen test after, will be doubled. Make a series of these living portraits or self 'screen tests'. This is adapted from Andy Warhol's work 'Screen Test' where he filmed different people asking them to be sit in front of a camera motionless for 3 min to create living portraits. In my experiment, its a self screen test as I am the person being filmed. The camera here is considered as an object that I will form a relation with as it engages with me, influences me and films me.

Concepts/Ideas :

  • subject/ object

  • external/internal

  • relationality/contractual relationship

  • Shift/transformation

  • active/passive

Conditions :

  • Contact (physical distance but eye to lens contact)

  • Duration (intermittent and short time period: 3 min)

  • Endurance (not required as much)

  • Contractual relationship (I and the camera do not move and stay frontal)

  • Active/passive (Camera and I are both in these roles)

  • Situatedness (specific time and place/setting)

  • Unrehearsed

2:56 min











5:56 min

















11:56 min













Data/Observations :

  • The camera captures every minute movement

  • Eye contact with the camera lens is maintained consistently

  • Doubling the time makes an impact on the affect/ emotion in me

  • 3 min: more physical and conscious of myself

  • 6 min: observatory, physical and traces of emotion emerging

  • 12 min: physical chanes and emotional/affect is dominant. The camera is seen as another entity/individual


Analysis :

  • The focus from physical movements, conscious gaze of camera and self-consciousness moved towards the surfacing of emotions from 3 min to 12 min.

  • The shorter duration (3 min) provided a more surfacial relationship with the camera as opposed to longer duration (12 min) that brought about an actual relationship with the camera as not just a device but an entity/individual of its own.

  • This dynamic/relationship that was developed in the longer duration affected my mental/emotional state.

  • The camera became a partner, a friend, a listener, a co-present entity that I formed a relationship with.

Conclusion/result :

  1. ​A relationship is formed between camera (object) and I over the various time durations of the experiment

  2. The camera is an active, agential object that is co-present and brings to surface with great detail the physicality of my body and the emotional realm of my subjectivity.

  3. A longer duration is essential in forming a deeper relationship with an object. 

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