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Call of things

Concept: Objects per/form a call or a pull towards them due to their innate vitality. This pull and desirability towards them manifests in sudden intensities of affect and attention. Objects intra-act with other bodies in private and public space to compose affective assemblages with each other.


Theory: ‘Call of things’ and ‘self-organisation’ of matter (Jane Bennett, Vibrant Matter, 2010)



  • To respond to the call of things and their self-organising capacity in public and private spaces


  • To expand the scope of human attention, perception and instinct to enhance the ability to respond, observe, relate and communicate with objects.



Perceptive walking

  1. Walking in public space with perceptive awareness towards objects on the street—take new or unknown routes, or familiar routes with a heightened awareness, always looking out for objects you haven’t noticed before.

  2. Attending to found objects that call out to you—a conscious stopping and being stopped. Share a moment together.

  3. Use mediums of photography and video to document the encounter and animations or self-organisation of found objects in public space.

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